Licenses & Applications

Business Logo


Business Licenses

All businesses within the city limits of Pendleton must obtain a city business license. Even if your business office is located outside the city limits and you only do business occasionally in Pendleton, you still need a city business license.

Dog Logo


Dog Licenses

A dog license is required for all dogs over the age of six months, living within the city limits of Pendleton unless specifically exempt. It is the duty of each owner or keeper of a dog to obtain a license(s) for their dog(s).

Rideshare Logo


Transportation Applications

Along with a City of Pendleton business license, Uber drivers are required to fill out and submit a driver application form. There is an annual fee of $50 (non-refundable) that is due at the time the application is submitted. 

Water Droplet


Fill Station Application

The City of Pendleton offers contractors the ability to apply for a fill station permit, allowing them to fill up their water trucks at fill stations located in the city. 

Construction Site


Local Improvement District (LID) Payments

The City of Pendleton allows residents to pay their LID payments through our online payment portal. Click the header above to be redirected to our payment portal.